Friday, October 11, 2013

More Random Sketchbook Stuff

 This is a camping trip we took the kids on,  super relaxing to go with just our family, no obligations whatsoever.  I sat and did this start to finish...yeah, pretty relaxing, it was great.

 Did this on a six hour plane trip.  I know what you're thinking, a little masculine, it started out as a dude but then, I have this little card I play once in a while, the artistic license.  I might take this through painting.

Brand new Copic markers to play with.  Been using them quite a bit since I started buying them. I think I've got about twenty of them now.  I think I just like having a medium to color in my sketchbook, it gets pretty sterile when all there is is pen and pencil work to look at.  

Day Job Stuff

Here's a smattering of pieces I've done at my job. You can take a look at our backyard site and our commercial site.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

To Ink or Not to Ink

This is something in my sketchbook I did with my Pentel Pocket Brush pen (I love that thing). I only finished her head in my sketchbook, the rest of the torso is done in PS, I tried this guy Frenden's brush set. I must say I was pleasantly surprised at how variable it was and how much it was like my brush pen.  This doesn't necessarily push me all the way over to doing all my inking in PS but it helps. Maybe it's my tablet that just doesn't have the precision I feel when doing it by hand, not sure.

Perspective Sketches

I've been doing some perspective studies.  My work has had me doing several renderings for site proposals.  I've found my perspective skills have gotten rusty with disuse.  I did a couple of these to exercise photoshop tools I don't normally use. 

  This is a large sketch I did for the asteroid mining rig story.  Which turned into Sketchup models, below.  I did the models to speed the perspective drawing process.  



New Stuff

I started this job a month or so ago and having a blast.  I have no idea where the storyline is going to end up but it's off to a pretty strong start. I'll try to keep up with the development here.  

This is the science hero, so far I'm really enjoying myself fleshing these out.  I like the vintage eighties walkman addition there.  This also some of my first work with Copic markers,  I like them a lot...when I'm bored of the computer.  The ink and marker combo is nice and clean and gives a good comic feel in my sketchbook.  I can't seem to let go of the inking by hand, I prefer painting with PS but the inking still leaves a lot to be desired.